Congratulations to our 2022 Doc Alumni, for her film, “Hasta Encontrarlos.”

Congratulations to our 2021 Doc Alumni, for their film, “Seasons.”

Watch “Seasons” on The New Yorker

Filmed by Doc Alumni Gaby Canal and Michael Fearon

Congratulations to our 2020 Doc Alum, for their film, “To the Plate.”

Congratulations to our 2020 Doc Alumni, for their films, “The Militiaman” and “It Takes a Circus.”

Filmed by Doc Alumni, Brian Ryu and Brett Forrest (2020)

Congratulations to our 2018 Doc Alumnae, for their film, “Guanajuato Norte.”

Congratulations to our 2018 Doc Alumni, for their film, “Something to Say.”

Filmed by Doc Alumni Yuhong Pang and Rob Tokanel (2018)

Filmed by Doc Alumna Stephanie Tangkilisan (2018)

Filmed by Doc Alumnae Ingrid Holmquist and Sana Malik (2018)

Filmed by Doc Alumni Yeong Ung-Yang and Tala Hadavi (2017)

Filmed by Doc Alumnus, Daniel Rose (2016)

Congratulations to our 2016 Doc Alumnae, for their film, “On Pointe.”

Filmed by Doc Alumni, Maria Chiu and Oliver Arnoldi (2016)

Filmed by Doc Alumni, Daniel Nelson and Nathan Bender (2016)

Watch “Code of Silence” on the New York Times

Filmed by Doc Alumni, George Steptoe and Scilla Alecci (2015)

Filmed by Doc Alumni, Jasper Rischen and Saila Huusko (2014)

Filmed by Doc Alumna, Salima Koroma (2013)

Watch “Water Towers” on the New York Times

Filmed by Doc Alumnus, Frank Runyeon (2012)

Filmed by our Doc Alumnae, Hilke Schellman and Habiba Nosheen (2009)